
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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( 2024 )


匹配条件: “ Benedito Pereira” ,找到相关结果约22706条。
O fordismo acadêmico na educa??o física
Souza, Eduardo Rumenig;Luzzi, Alexandre;Pereira, Benedito;
Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-32892010000200004
Abstract: despite the consolidation of stricto sensu postgraduate programs in physical education (pp-pe), critics have been noted. among the principal, it is pointed out the technical formation and specialization on the initial periods of scientific formation, the distance between knowledge and society, the emphasis on the quantitative bibliographic production, guiding the aim of research for publication. this form of scientific production is entitled as academic fordism. thus, the aim of this essay is discuss the orientation politic of the pp-pe and your implication to knowledge production and academic formation. the emphasis on bibliographic production and the devaluation of the pe likes area of intervention may implicate on the critical formation and result in mischaracterization of area.
Spatial variation in the stable isotopes of 13C and 15N and trophic position of Leporinus friderici (Characiformes, Anostomidae) in Corumbá Reservoir, Brazil
Pereira, Alexandre L.;Benedito, Evanilde;Sakuragui, Cássia M.;
Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências , 2007, DOI: 10.1590/S0001-37652007000100006
Abstract: stable isotopes of carbon (d13c) and nitrogen (d15n) were used to describe sources of energy and trophic position for adult leporinus friderici in the area of the corumbá reservoir, brazil. samples were collected from april 1999 to march 2000. spatial variations were not identified in the isotopic composition. the maximum and minimum contribution of c4 plants calculated integrating the variation of plants and fish were 47.7% and 2.4%, respectively. among c3 plants, periphyton presented closer isotopic values to those observed for fishes, corresponding to an important carbon source. the proportion of ingested plant item is larger in rivers upstream from the reservoir (42.7%), which justifies the smaller trophic level among there. however, in the reservoir, the ingestion of fish was 81.4%, while ingested plants contributed with 18.6%. downstream from the dam, participation of plant item was even smaller (14.4%). although the trophic position calculated with diet data was proportional to the one calculated with d15n values, the former elevated the trophic level of l. friderici in the food web, because estimated trophic positions were based on fish items belonging to the 2nd (a) and to the 3rd (b) trophic levels.
Desenvolvimento de software de análise gráfica para planos de radioprote??o
Viscovini, Ronaldo Celso;Lopes, Nilson Benedito;Pereira, Daniel;
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1806-11172011000100019
Abstract: in this work we developed a software that calculates the external doses in a plant radioactive, and presented graphically in contour dose (isodoses) using the geometric method. it was created to help the lessons of radioprotection, but can be used to review plans for radioprotection. the software was written for version 6.0 of the application mathematica? from wolfram research for the algebraic and numerical calculation, but can be easily translated into maple?, matlab? or delphi?. to demonstrate its application, this software is used to prepare the plan for radioprotection of a laboratory that uses a gas isotopic laser (14co2).
Creatina: auxílio ergogênico com potencial antioxidante?
Souza Junior, Tácito Pessoa de;Pereira, Benedito;
Revista de Nutri??o , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1415-52732008000300010
Abstract: creatine is largely used as an ergogenic aid with some evidence regarding its positive effect on lean body mass, strength/power and muscle endurance. however, most studies were not capable of identifying biochemical mechanisms that could explain its effect on fatigue or muscle protein turnover. there is also the possibility that some individuals are non-responsive to this supplement. another possible effect of creatine that has been recently investigated is its antioxidant action, but few studies explored this subject. nonetheless, it can be emphasized that the antioxidant effect of creatine works in the organism in the following way: 1) indirect action as an energy buffer, due to the increase in muscle phosphocreatine concentrations which would favor a reduced production of metabolites of the purine nucleotide cycle (cycle of lowenstein) and, as a consequence, a drop in the production of hypoxanthine, xanthine, uric acid, and reactive oxygen species; 2) direct action (a less powerful action when compared with known antioxidants, such as reduced glutathione). yet, it could still work in association with them. the objective of this work is to review the available data on the two abovementioned mechanisms.
Physiological concepts in physical education and sports training: stress, homeostasis and allostasis
Tácito Pessoa de Souza Junior,Benedito Pereira
Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano , 2008,
Abstract: The objective of this review article is to discuss the concepts of stress and homeostasis (homeos = equal; stasis = stable) and to expose their limitations on the basis of recent evidence demonstrating that the supposed internal stability of living organisms is merely apparent, and is even independent of environmental factors. This internal instability is often observed by researchers investigating circadian rhythms (hormone secretion), temporal series (heart rate) and behavior (hunger and satiety), who argue in favor of substituting the theory of homeostasis by the concept of allostasis (allo = different; stasis = stable). Indeed, these researchers suggest that the objective of regulation and control is not stability. There are two consequences for Physical Education and Sport if allostasis is accepted as a physiological paradigm: 1. Selye’s concept of stress requires a new defi nition and interpretation, with a clear impact on the concept of load and overload; 2. Noakes’ central governor hypothesis to explain the fatigue resulting from intense physical exercise loses its relevance, as will be discussed in this paper. Furthermore, it is very diffi cult for the model of stability by staying the same to explain why performance is improved by physical training or why we have a predisposition for this type of recognizedly anti-homeostatic activity. We intend to demonstrate the possibility that the allostatic concept of stability through change can explain these contradictions. Resumo O objetivo desta revis o é discutir criticamente os conceitos de estresse e homeostase (homeos = igual; stasis = constancia) e expor suas limita es em fun o de recentes evidências que demonstram que a suposta estabilidade interna dos organismos vivos é apenas aparente, inclusive sendo independente de fatores ambientais. Essa instabilidade interna é freqüentemente constatada por pesquisadores dos ritmos circadianos (secre es hormonais), séries temporais (freqüência cardíaca) e comportamento (fome e saciedade), que argumentam a favor da substitui o da teoria da homeostase pela no o de alostase (allo = diferente; stasis = constancia). Na verdade, o propósito da regula o e controle segundo os mesmos n o é a constancia. Duas conseqüências para a Educa o Física e Esporte com a aceita o da alostase como paradigma fisiológico s o: 1. O conceito de estresse de Selye deve sofrer nova defi ni o e interpreta o, interferindo claramente na no o de carga ou sobrecarga de trabalho e, 2. A hipótese do governo central de Noakes na explica o da fadiga decorrente do exercício físico i
Condicionamento fisiológico e vigor de sementes de maxixe
Araújo, Paulo Costa;Torres, Salvador Barros;Benedito, Clarisse Pereira;Paiva, Emanoela Pereira de;
Revista Brasileira de Sementes , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-31222011000300011
Abstract: priming is a technique for controlling seed hydration that allows activation of germination metabolic processes but avoiding the emission of the primary root and providing uniformity and better plant performance in the field. the objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of hydropriming on germination, emergence and seedling development in gherkins. gherkin seeds of the do norte and nordeste cultivars, represented by three lots, were primed at 20 °c on paper towels until they reached 33.5% (nordeste) or 36.6% (do norte) water content. part of the seeds were dried at room temperature (28-34 ° c) and a relative humidity of 45-55% until water content was 7.0 to 8.5%. the physiological potential of the seeds was determined in the laboratory by evaluating germination rate and speed. later, the percentage and emergence speed index, height and dry mass of seedlings 14 days after sowing were determined in the greenhouse. hydropriming benefitted the germination and vigor characteristics of both cultivars.
The Accounting Analysis of Banking Company: The Case of CAM  [PDF]
Miguel Angel Perez Benedito
Modern Economy (ME) , 2015, DOI: 10.4236/me.2015.62015
Abstract: The measure of management risk has been a constant in Economy in the recent past. This issue is present on any kind of economic or financial activity. The solution adopted for international authorities, increasing liquidity of financial market and generating new indicators to support making decisions, means the continuity of applying the monetary theory as general criteria to solve the actual crisis. In this labyrinth, the manuscript uses the Accounting Methodology of Edgeworth’s Box as a new methodology to measure the management of Banking Companies and analyzes the acquisition of the CAM and Bank Sabadell, two Spanish banking companies. Finally, the manuscript analyzes the financial crisis in Spain through the behavior of listed banking companies in IBEX 35. The manuscript concludes that accounting can explain equilibrium in economy, and it only needs to know how they can be measured properly.
Anaerobic biodegradability of dairy wastewater pretreated with porcine pancreas lipase
Mendes, Adriano Aguiar;Pereira, Ernandes Benedito;Furigo Jr., Agenor;Castro, Heizir Ferreira de;
Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-89132010000600003
Abstract: lipids-rich wastewater was partial hydrolyzed with porcine pancreas lipase and the efficiency of the enzymatic pretreatment was verified by the comparative biodegradability tests (crude and treated wastewater). alternatively, simultaneous run was carried out in which hydrolysis and digestion was performed in the same reactor. wastewater from dairy industries and low cost lipase preparation at two concentrations (0.05 and 0.5% w.v-1) were used. all the samples pretreated with enzyme showed a positive effect on organic matter removal (chemical oxygen demand-cod) and formation of methane. the best results were obtained when hydrolysis and biodegradation were performed simultaneously, attaining high cod and color removal independent of the lipase concentration. the enzymatic treatment considerably improved the anaerobic operational conditions and the effluent quality (lower content of suspended solids and less turbidity). thus, the use of enzymes such as lipase seemed to be a very promising alternative for treating the wastewaters having high fat and grease contents, such as those from the dairy industry.
Florestas estacionais no cerrado: uma vis?o geral
Pereira, Benedito Alísio da Silva;Venturoli, Fábio;Carvalho, Fabrício Alvim;
Pesquisa Agropecuária Tropical , 2011, DOI: 10.5216/pat.v41i3.12666
Abstract: seasonal forests cover about 15% of the brazilian savannah and are among the most degraded and fragmented vegetation types in this biome. this study aimed to provide an overview of the current knowledge on these forests and disseminate information that can contribute to the amplification and deepening of previous studies. it shows that previous studies have already explained a large amount of questions raised by earlier researchers, but that the knowledge on some important aspects still remains incomplete. the anthropogenic activities reduction in the remaining areas, as well as the restoration of connectivity between fragments and the development of sustainable exploitation methods, were pointed out as major challenges to be faced by people involved in the study and management of these forests.
Políticas públicas y Estado en Brasil: consecuencias económicas, sociales y ambientales en el desarrollo del municipio de Sorriso en Mato Grosso (Brasil)
Recompensa Joseph,Lázaro Camilo; Dias Pereira,Benedito; Scheuer Graff,Vanisa Raquel; Guimaraes,Rosana;
Polis (Santiago) , 2011, DOI: 10.4067/S0718-65682011000300011
Abstract: this paper aims to describe and analyze in general the different mechanisms and elements of public policy that "facilitated" the movement and / or expansion of soybean farmers in the state of mato grosso, specifically in the municipality of sorriso; and what were the main economic, social and environmental impacts. the work is structured in four parts. the first characterizes and describes the main mechanisms of public policy that favored the expansion and / or occupation of soy in mato grosso state, the second highlights the main environmental and social consequences attached to this model of production, the third places the need for "public policy advocacy" and organizational models as arrangements, and innovative and productive systems capable of generating local economic, social and environmental conditions. and finally the conclusions are presented.

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